Jatonea started making skin care products in 2019.

It all started with my hobby of making an all natural soap that could help soothe my brother in-laws eczema. I realized that so many people are affected by some sort of skin related issues. I, myself, struggled for years with a skin condition that left me feeling insecure and very uncomfortable in my own skin. I have extremely sensitive skin and a lot of chemical allergies, so that made me look at the ingredients in my favorite lotion and facial soap. To my surprise, I had no clue on more than half the ingredients that were listed. I’ve done my research and only use natural ingredients and tested my product on myself and other people that had skin issues. I now only use my products and have had great results overall from my face and body. I hope that I can be just what everyone needs to bring comfort, relief and loving the skin they’re in.

From the Earth,

for the body